Whatever happened to global warming?
We are just into winter and we have had temps in the 20’s already.
Stop already.
It’s too early to be worried about my pipes freezing. I know I have already let my pipes drip all night just in case the temps plunge too low. I have also shut off and drained the outside spigots and hoses and have drained my irrigation system.
I have sealed up my crawlspace vents and have installed electrical heat tape on my pipes that are exposed in my crawlspace to help keep them from freezing. I also put some insulation around my exposed pipes in my garage and in my crawlspace. I used those foam rubber tubes with the slits in them. It was so easy my kids even helped.
Thank heavens I have also had my favorite heating and cooling company come by to give my furnace an inspection to make sure that my system is ready to handle winter. That’s one of the great benefits of having a maintenance agreement.
It’s not that I’m not ready for the cold weather. I am.
I went out and got a whole house electrical back-up generator in case we have a bad ice or snow storm and we lose power for a couple three four days. My house won’t even miss a beat.
I even went so far as to making sure my house is properly insulated. I have sealed up all the openings around outdoor spigots and have weather stripped and caulked around all my windows and doors, inside and out. That was easy – I did that myself.
My attic is totally insulated and ready to keep in any of the hot air that I am paying my hvac system to heat. This is really spiffy because it will also keep in any air that I am paying to cool in the summer.
It’s just that I am not ready for it to be this cold yet.
Maybe spring will come early.